– 2023 年 8 月 29 日星期二 – The Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) closed higher by 0.38% in yesterday’s 貿易, supported by the strengthening of stocks in the raw materials and energy sectors such as AMMN, MBMA, and ADRO.
According to Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia’s Morning Dew (August 29, 2023), Mirae Sekuritas analyst Roger MM explained that the IHSG closed up 0.38% in Monday’s 貿易. The Raw Materials and Energy sectors led the gains with stocks such as AMMN, MBMA, and ADRO.
印尼政府透過能源和礦產資源部計畫將汽油摩托車轉電動摩托車的激勵或補貼金額提高至每輛 1,000 萬印尼盾,旨在進一步提高該計畫目標的實現利用率。
JCI:6,921.73 (+0.38%)
道瓊指數:34,559.98 (+0.62%)
富時 100 指數:7,338.58 (+0.00%)
美元/印尼盾:15,292 (-0.02%)
10 年 GB 產量:6.46 (-0.06bps)
油價:80.1 (+0.34%)
交易最活躍的股票(HOTS 螢幕 #0102)
Mirae Asset Sekuritas 印尼股權轉讓公司
歐元 M3 貨幣供應量(年)(7 月)
實際:-0.4% 缺點:0.0% 先前:0.6%
有效:2.2% 缺點:2.5% 上一個:3.0%
*RSCH +13.91%。醫院公司 PT Charlie Hospital Semarang Tbk (RSCH) 於週一(2023 年 8 月 28 日)在印尼證券交易所 (IDX) 正式上市。
*BBTN +0.79%。 PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk (BBTN) 或 BTN 已推出 KPR BTN Prioritas。該最新產品是 BTN 繼續提高其住房融資市場份額的努力的一部分,面向價值超過 7.5 億盾的優先客戶。
*印地+1.48%。週四(17/8),INDY 的子公司 PT Solusi Mobilitas Indonesia、PT Indika Energy Infrastructure 和 PT Ilectra Motor Group 與投資者簽署了協議。
- IHSG Daily, 6,921.73 (+0.38%), mixed to higher, with a daily 貿易 range of 6,900 – 6,949, with a critical level at 6,820. The optimized MFI indicator, optimized RSI indicator, and optimized Stochastic%D indicator are still showing upward movement. The index is above the centerline on the Optimized Bollinger Bands. In the weekly period, the correction of the optimized MFI indicator, optimized RSI indicator, and optimized Stochastic%D indicator is temporarily held, with the highest volume spread from the demand and supply sides around the current level.
- PGAS Daily, 1,455 (+0.34%), 貿易 buy, TP 1,520, with a daily 貿易 range of 1,450 – 1,480, with a cut loss level at 1,435. The correction of the optimized MFI indicator, optimized RSI indicator, and optimized Stochastic%D indicator is still visible but starting to be held. The current price is below the centerline on the Optimized Bollinger Bands, with the highest volume spread from the demand side and the supply side above the current level.
- HRUM Daily, 1,615 (+0.94%), 貿易 buy, TP 1,665, with a daily 貿易 range of 1,590- 1,640, with a cut loss level at 1,565. The correction of the optimized MFI indicator is starting to be held, while the optimized RSI indicator and optimized Stochastic%D indicator are still showing a downward trend. The price is still below the centerline on the Optimized Bollinger Bands, with the highest volume spread from the demand side around the current level and the supply side above the current level.
- BUMI Daily, 142 (+0.71%), 貿易 buy, TP 149, with a daily 貿易 range of 139 – 149, with a cut loss level at 134. The optimized MFI indicator, optimized RSI indicator, and optimized Stochastic%D indicator are showing an upward trend. The price is below the centerline on the Optimized Bollinger Bands, with the highest volume spread from the demand side, and the supply side is around the current level.