PediaFX – Being an experienced trader does not guarantee that you will never be fooled by fake 外汇 brokers. It could be, you trust the 外汇 broker because of a friend. Then, without thinking much, you traded there and experienced several irregularities, up to the point where you couldn’t withdraw funds.
List of fraudulent 外汇 brokers in Indonesia
1. PT Arta Mas Futures 前身为 PT Bimasakti Berjangka
2. PT Arta Berjangka Nusantara
3. PT Axo Capital Futures
4. PT Buana Investment Global Futures
5. PT 开曼信托期货
6. PT Danagraha Futures
7. PT Graha Finesa Berjangka
Scam 外汇 Brokers Located Outside Indonesia
1. 尚通资本
2. 标记人工智能
Domain of illegal 外汇 broker sites that are excited in Indonesia
1. 比诺莫
2. Masterforex aka MFX
How not to become a victim of 外汇 broker scams?
1. 务必检查法规
2. 不要贪图巨额利润
3. Check the address of the 外汇 broker’s office
4. Find out the reputation of the 外汇 broker
5. 注意网站域名地址
6. 查看所提供的服务