
ILUSTRASI. Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) dibuka melemah pada awal perdagangan Jumaat (25/8). PediaFx

PEDIAFX- JAKARTA. The Price Index for the Jakarta Composite Index (IHSG) weakened at the start of trading on Friday (25/8). At 09.00 WIB, the JCI weakened 2.02 points or 0.03% to 6,897.42. As a result, 113 stocks rose, 110 stocks fell and 285 stocks stagnated. and Six sectoral indices strengthened while four other sectoral indices entered the red zone.

The sectoral indices that experienced the biggest increases were the transportation sector which rose 1.48%, the health sector rose 0.41% and the primary consumer goods sector which rose 0.13%.

Meanwhile, the sectoral index with the deepest weakness was the industrial sector, which fell 0.53%, the infrastructure sector, which fell 0.27%, and the property sector, which fell 0.25%.

The total trading volume of shares on the stock exchange this morning reached 838.78 million shares with a total value of Rp 323.55 billion.

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